Jul 16, 2008 21:14
The Legendary Pink Dots are releasing their 49023904903458349085934th album at the end of August, to be titled "Plutonium Blonde". This is exciting for various reasons.
There's lots of stuff inside my head right now; mostly regarding my love life; mainly because I'm lame. I imagine I'll sit down and sort these thoughts out right here in good ole' LiveJournal at some point in the future, but not tonight. No, not tonight. Tonight I am going to go to 80s night and dance my ass off and forget about everything and everyone for a moment in time.
But I will say this: It's funny how, after 4-years of near-celibacy and one of the bleakest love lives of anyone I know, I am suddenly in the midst of romantic lock-horn, partially because of my own reservations and partially because I have more options than I ever thought I would have.
I will also pose this question, for public consensus:
I have spent 4 years single, turning down nearly every single offer and passing up most opportunities I have been presented with, in reserve for what I deem to be a suitable person to share the current incarnation of my life with. After 4 years, is it acceptable of me to settle for less than what I've searched for?
"But I'm only half a heart away. Yes, I'm only half a heart away."