If anyone's looking for a really interesting analysis of this whole Iran/Israel/US crisis right now, I urge all to check out
this write-up. It gives several key points as to what's going on with each of the nations' leaders. Now there's talk that Iran is going to close the Straight of Hormuz. Hey guys, you think gas is expensive now. Just wait until the lifeblood of the world's oil is off limits to anyone Iran doesn't like.
I read today also that Turkey is essentially at war with Kurdish insurgences on it's border with Iraq. Georgia is about to go to war with Russia over that breakaway province I can't pronounce, much less spell.
Oh, and Syria might have nuclear weapons, thanks to North Korea. Might. That means probably, which almost certainly means definitely.
The more I think about it, the more grateful I am that my trip to Italy this summer got canceled. Had I gone, I know I wouldn't have come back. We're on the brink of war with, like, four nations. I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan. Even drinking wine on a beach in Greece isn't looking appealing anymore. Way too close to the middle east. That missile that Iran tested could reach Greece. No thanks.
Sweden's looking nice. Nothing ever happens there and they're isolationist enough to not have to worry about going to war. Sweet.
I was reading a conspiracy website a few months ago that said World War three will erupt when Islamic extremists bomb The Vatican. It will feature the ultimate East vs. West War. I laughed then, but it isn't looking too far-fetched at this point.