That's a wrap!

Jun 29, 2008 10:20

Reading back, this journal tells the story of a very difficult time in my life, and a very wonderful one. It begins three days after ruine_ and I exchanged promises and I put a collar around her neck. In these pages, I share how my father was diagnosed with cancer, and then died.. How I got through troubles at work.. And more than anything, the wonderful relationship that grew between me and ruine_, during the time we were living apart during the week, and mostly sharing our weekends.

Throughout the journal I was incredibly open about my feelings, in a way that you could only do when you were being someone anonymous.. but then, over time, I let a few people, then a few more, know who I was. I made some incredible, wonderful connections with people here - sharing my space with them, and their space being open to me.

At the end of 2004, everything changed for the better. I had my own space to share with ruine_, a new job, stressful situations were largely over, and a very special man came to visit.

After that, I didn't feel I needed this space so much. My world was a better place, and I moved away from this cozy fireside to one in the real world. I issued an invitation to those who were reading me here, to join me on my more vanilla, realworld journal.

And since then, I've not really written much here at all. I've had no urge to write..

In the end, this journal is a record of two years of my life, and in that, it will always be an incredible place for me. I've tidied up this journal a bit, so that I can go back and read it easily whenever I want to remember those feelings. But, as the subject line implies.. this is it. It's a wrap. I won't be writing here again.

Now, in 2010, I want to write more, and I'm doing it in a new place. As part of that, I want to share the beginnings that are captured here. So, I've made most of this journal public - keeping hidden only the parts that give away anonymity or overly private things. Those who could read more before, still can.

If you like, you can start reading at the beginning
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