Oct 10, 2007 02:40
Long time, no post. I don't seem to have time for LJ these days but I'll try and jot a few lines. For those that read this, Gainesville is pretty cool. 'Tis a city built around most of my needs. It brings to mind a Dave Chapelle joke: "Gun store, liquor store, liquor store, gun store...where the hell you takin me man!?!" Well it's like that but with head shops, coffee shops and great restaurants.
I saw Across the Universe recently. The colors and the music and the company all made me very, very, happy. Freakin Bono. It comes highly recommended.
I got Kevin Brady to quit hanging out with slackers and come live up here, which I'm very proud of. In lieu of payment for living with me he made a bunch of cd's and drove me around while I was tripping.
I might learn to play guitar.
I also might get a chance to read.
Might work at Game-Stop, be jealous.
It's way late, I can't keep this up.
I also can't commit to anything and this is further proof.