Mar 18, 2006 17:04
Kids are still sick. Sammy's cut down the vomiting to only once a day, which is nice. Usually it's of the projectile variety, but a couple days ago, toward the end of dinner while in his highchair, he opened his mouth in a big "O" and had this slow motion solid vomit episode. I'd never seen extruded vomit before; it was like he was one of those Play-Doh machines and someone was turning an invisible crank somewhere, and it was just coming out. My first thought was, "this must be what a turd looks like as it comes out." Yeah, we're rather inured to the sympathetic/dramatic side of regurgitation.
M's down for a nap now, as is Sammy. I'm gonna take Nathan out on the porch (nicely swaddled, as it's only upper 40's presently) to enjoy a Garrison Keillor novel in the sun's declining rays - "Love Me," c. 2003. (What's HTML for the copyright symbol?) I put him in the Baby Bjorn (the greatest invention, after the series-turbocharged diesel engine) and grabbed an apple from the fridge, and he just looked up at me with that priceless, unclouded look of wonder and watched me eat it. For like ten minutes. I ate slowly to prolong the experience, and never made it out the door. Who needs Garrison Keillor when you have progeny? :)