Apr 30, 2008 11:07

Well, at least I won't get bored, today. Telling the truth is a rare thing for yours truly, it's one of those... two, three things? Out of the millions upon millions of things I know, that I'm not too skilled at.

Not that I dislike telling the truth; it's... nice. Refreshing. But after millennium upon moreso of lying about your very species to everyone you meet if even the meeting is painfilly fleeting, lying by omission and every other type of anti-truth sin you can conjure up, it's become a habit and possibly a way of life. Seeing as I'm not dead, unlike some, it obviously works, and, what's that phrase you people came up with?

If it isn't broke...

You know how it goes. And I assure you, I am many, many, many things, but broke is not one of them, in every way of the word's worn meaning.

...See what I mean? Very interesting. I'm certainly not bored, either.

say hello to my ego, actual sweat, oshi-, puck, monogamous sex is rotting your brain, i cannot tell a lie, the truth will set you free, morals whut?, pucks suck (in the good way), freud wore women's panties, ho ho ho!, still reeling from the triplet story?, never say 1 word when 20 will do, sad puck is sad?, i like humans, heroism can be so banal, curse, meant to be sexually suggestive

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