[SUPERNATURAL / 12PM:] So, what have I been doing today? I've finally decided to get off my lazy ass and... uh, sit back down on it. xD I'm finally watching season 3 of Supernatural. I'd only seen about 2 or 3 episodes from it before (even though I own the season!). xD Sometimes I'm just painfully thick/lazy. ^__^ I don't always think it's a bad thing (even though I should). XP
7PM - Okay, actually, I got distracted around here. *sheepish look* I only just finish watching the second episode (I was planning to watch a lot more then this!). So, yeah, apparently this entry is sort of moot. o__o
Anyway, I just watched the episode with Ben- Dean's not!Kid. :3 HOW CUTE IS HE?! How much do you wanna bet that that is totally how Dean's kid would be? He was like a mini!Dean to the extreme and it was adorable. <3 Omg, I want to see more of him. *glee* Does anyone know of any slash or gen fics that feature him? o__o
entangled_now is freaking awesome! And she wrote me
this amazing and hilarious McShep drabble! <3 Zomg, this is one of the first times anyone has ever written something for me (with the exception of the great
wendy_bird who wrote me a drabble for one of the fics we were working on for my Birthday once!). ANYWAY, YOU TOTALLY NEED TO GO AND READ IT. LIKE, RIGHT NOW. I don't even care if you have no idea who the slash pairing is because you're not into the show. :D It doesn't matter and it's not necessary. It's just awesome and hilarious and... GO READ! <3 WAH. *squee* Hehehhehee. THANK YOU