Emergency Room Escapade

Mar 28, 2009 22:50

I'm not going to be around much at all lately so now it's up to you to take care of the forum while I'm gone.

As it would happen, I haven't just been "really sick" lately, but there's actually something wrong with me. I've been in and out of the emergency room many times in the last three days and I see more of it in my future.

There's something wrong with my kidney (at the very least, a very bad infection that's been brewing for months). I haven't gotten all of the test results back yet so I don't know the details. In the last (what, two months?), I've had the flu, my eardrum rupture, severe back pain and now this problem with my kidney. I've been sick and all this other crap is either a coincidence or (perhaps, more likely) somehow linked to my kidney problem. The kidney problem may also be linked to when I had surgery on my kidney a year or two ago.

My SED Rate is supposed to be around 7 but it's 126. A SED Rate is an indicator of inflammation. It is a nonspecific test that suggests a need to look further. Sedimentation rates tend to be very high with rheumatic diseases like JRA, with severe infections, with bone infections. My Doctor was worried cause I had a REALLY HIGH fever and have been having chills for a week straight.

My Doctor poked and prodded around at my back the first day I went in and just having him do that brought me to tears. I've had X-Rays, Catscans, bloodwork / blood cultures, and a lot of other crap already. It really really sucks. And certain family members have been anything but helpful (I swear, sometimes my mother tries to make a competition out of it. It's like she wants to have the more fucked up body or she wants to be in more pain and lord it over me.  I don't care who has more pain or more problems. I don't want this problem, thanks.) =/

On Monday, I'll be seeing a kidney specialist on Monday as well as my doctor (which is when I should find out more about what's going on). When I get more info (and I have the time), I'll be sure to stop in and let you know. I just hope this doesn't lead to hospitalization (which I have a bad feeling it very well might, because I've heard my doctor talking about it) or surgery. D:

So, be good and write me lots of nice comments to make me feel better. I'll read them when I get back (oh god, hopefully I'm just being paranoid (like Rodney) but the words if  I come back just popped to mind) and when I have time in between. Wish me good luck! <3

life: medical problems

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