[EAR HELL:] I have a ruptured eardrum. =/ The scary part about it is the fact that my ear never hurt. Not before it ruptured and not after. The only reason I knew something was wrong was because my ear was clogged. It was like it was plugged up an needed to be popped. For 3-4 days, I didn't really think much of it. Then I noticed it was getting worse. With every day that passed, it became harder and harder to hear out of that ear. After about five days, I found that when I tipped my head from one side or the other I could feel something inside my ear moving around. It was kind of like when you go swimming and get water in your ears except that it was deeper inside.
So, I went to my doctor. Normally, I'd have gone to the ear, throat and nose specialist doctor but recently one of their doctors had quit so they were booked up until next Monday. I felt it was important to see a doctor now, rather then wait 4-5 days. It was a good thing I did, too. My doctor took one look in my ear and made a sound I swear was ew. xD Then he turned and looked at me and said, "What did you do to yourself? There's so much puss in your ear canal that I can't even see all of it." DX So I told him the truth.
I'd been laying in bed the night before it all started and I felt an almost wetness in my ear from the fan. It was kind of like when you lick your finger and put it in the wind. So, I got a Q-Tip and went to clean it. Except I tripped while I was using it (yes, I know I shouldn't have been using it while I was walking around! DX) and sort of... stabbed my eardrum. >.< It hurt for maybe 30 seconds and all was fine. Then, the next day I woke up and my ear hurt a bit when I swallowed or yawned or sneezed. The pain wasn't very much- more like an ache- and lasted for only a few hours. Then the clogged feeling kicked in. Later, my doctor says it's impossible to know what came first, the chicken or the egg. What he means is that we don't know if I ruptured my eardrum with the Q-Tip or if it had already ruptured and I made it a lot worse.
Anyway, back then, the doctor thought it was just an ear infection. He didn't know my eardrum had actually ruptured. So, he prescribed me with eardrops and these freaking huge horse pills (antibiotics) that I still choke and gag on even though they're cut in half. So, I took them twice a day (once at 7AM and once at 7PM) every day. The clogged feeling didn't lessen (the doctor said it the puss should be reabsorbed into my body after a few days- the liar!) and I decided I should still go to my appointment with the specialist on Monday even though my other doctor said I shouldn't.
It was a damn good thing I did! I went to the specialist and he sucked the puss out. That was a very weird and unsettling experience. It was different from the last time it happened too. I laid down and he took this long metal thing and put it in my ear. It felt cold, like it was blowing air into my right ear. It wasn't though, it was loudly sucking the puss out. It sounded something like, "SssslLLlluuuUUuurrrRRRrrrpPPpp!" O.o As he did it, I got this really odd tickling sensation in my lower back to the right. I'm not sure why. It was only after he finished with the process that I realized I was extremely dizzy. It took a few minutes for that to pass. Then he took a look at my ear again and told me it had ruptured. He said the reason my other doctor probably hadn't noticed was that the puss had gotten in the way. So, he changed my eardrops to a different brand and sent me home with those damned horse pills. D:
Okay, now, I can't really remember when... but... I think it must have been the next day or the day after that. My back started to hurt. Really bad. It's about 6 or so inches above the butt in the middle of my back. And it hurts so bad. To the point that that it's hard to think and moving is damn near impossible. At the exact same time that the back pain started, so did my period. So, that would be cramps in the front and severe back pain. Plus, I was still sick. Oh joy. And did I mention that if I take a deep breath or lay on my side it hurts just under my ribs? o.O Seriously, what did I do to deserve this?! It's HORRIBLE. D:
Ever since the back pain started, I found myself sleeping a lot less and at odd hours. I always wake up at 3AM now (and that sucks so bad when you can only manage to fall asleep at 12) in pain, sweating and shivering. Yes, sweating and shivering. As in, now I'm having chills and a fever. It's 78 degrees in my house, I'll have on long sleeved pants and a shirt, a thick robe, 2 comforters, 2 thick fleece blankets, a very warm blanket and a heating pad. AND I'M STILL SHIVERING! Then, abruptly, I'm so hot that I'm sweating and I have to kick everything off. And then I'm cold again. DX I get so hot I can feel the heat off of my face and moving around makes me dizzy. My fever is 102.3- which is actually quite high. I have to take Tylenol twice a day to get my temperature down and I'm worried about using it so much because I used it to get rid of my pain in beginning and it's not really good for you to take in general (your liver, I think). =/
At first, I had used these wonderful things called
ThermaCare Lower Back and Hip Heat Wraps that wrapped snugly around my back and gave the perfect amount of heat right where it hurt the most. For eight blissful hours it took away enough pain that I could tolerate what was left and deal with it. Then I sort of used them (and a heating pad) a little too much and woke one morning with the skin of my back bright pink / red-ish and sensitive and feeling like it was burning. So, I figure I ended up burning it a bit. >.<; I stopped using them (and the heating pad) after that.
Today is the first day so far when I haven't had to use Tylenol to calm the pain or a fever (no chills so far!) and I'm pretty certain my cold has been gone for a while but with everything else going on it was hard to tell. o.O So far so good! Hopefully this means that the worst is over and I'm finally starting to really get better. I hope so.
On that point, I realized something weird yesterday. Last time my eardrum ruptured (it happened last year, the opposite ear), I was in the hospital. Not because my ear hurt though! I was in the hospital because I was having severe back pain, chills / a fever, etc. Does that sound familiar? Yes? It should! That's what I had this time. WTF? It's like my body is wired all wrong. Instead of feeling pain in my ear (and everywhere I look, a ruptured eardrum is supposed to be extremely painful), I get back pain. What? LOL. I kid you not! I didn't think much of it the first time my eardrum ruptured... but it's ruptured again and once more, I have the back pain? Not to mention when he sucked the puss out of my ear I felt that odd tickly sensation low on my back! What's that all about? I've also noticed that if I get a shot, I can feel it in my opposite leg. I mean, I can feel it there when they inject the liquid in me, not the actual pushing the needle in my skin.
This brings up new concerns though. Even if all of what I've just mentioned are mere coincidences (though, I find that unlikely) what about my ears? How am I supposed to know if there's something wrong with them if I don't feel anything? The first time my eardrum ruptured, I didn't get the clogged feeling in my ear. I found out it had ruptured 5-6 months afterwards (I highly suspect it ruptured when I was in the hospital for my back because I woke up one morning and found nasty gunk on my pillow that was probably from my ear, though I didn't realize it at the time) when... that ear had started to smell. *winces* That was nasty.
[RANDOM:] Still into Stargate Atlantis and reading it obsessively! I even got the DVD's of season 1-4 in the mail finally! Yay! *beams happily* I love it so much. <3 Oddly enough, I've also been watching a lot of X-Men shows, movies and whatnot. XD I would have never guessed I'd be into that or anything. Hmmm. o.o;; I want to get an SGA Poster featuring John and Rodney. <3 :3
I think that I want to check out a show called Due South somethimg. There seems to be a decently sized fandom for it. I love LiveJournal. As far as I can tell, all of the best fanfiction is here. Not FF.net. Sadly, it took me an embarrasingly long time to figure that out. xD