10th Fairy Tale § Action/Written

Jun 05, 2011 00:53

[it's quiet in House 7 with only Jilly and little Sayo taking up space. Not that it was any more quiet than her apartment would have been, but it seemed to be accentuated by the space. Echoey, even.

Jack and Buffy would probably want her to stay in the house with all the wards and the protections they'd put into place against Grell, and she tries. But there's only so much she can take before she feels the need to do something taking over. Left to her thoughts, there was nothing to do but worry and that was not okay.]

[House 7 Filter]

[First things first, she goes looking for a certain little girl] Sayo? I was thinking of going out to get ice cream. You want to join me?

[/House 7 Filter]

[as the day sinks into the afternoon, however, Jilly's got a new plan. A not-so quick trip to the library gave her a new book, which she carefully tucked into the pocket of her hoodie. Back in town, her shoes are promptly abandoned at the foot of a tree before she hoists herself up into the branches. A little bit of clambering later, and she can be found balanced in the crook of the limbs, one bare foot dangling with the book balanced on her other knee]

[Later, Written, Poorly Filtered"]

[she doesn't ask how he is. She doesn't go into her worry or beg to know if everyone is alright. If someone was hurt, she knows he'll tell her. Instead, she tries to keep the tone of her letter as light and straightforward as possible. Everything was fine with them. It was one less thing for him and Jack and Buffy to worry about]


Everything has been quiet, here. Other than going a little bit crazy from being cooped up in the house too long, it's business as usual. Sayo and I went to get ice cream and I'm pretty sure they're getting sick of seeing me in the library, so...all in all, a good day.

I found one of my friend Christy's books in the library. When you get back, I'll have to show you. I wonder what you'd think of the stories he collects.



[ooc: forward dated to a reasonable hour on June 5th. She can be found anywhere in the library, up in the tree, or just generally around town for anyone left behind by the draft]

light on her feet, ♦Archie Kennedy, ♦Sayo, nose in a book, !luceti, ice cream makes everything better, what do you say in a letter anyway?, fairy tales are cool, wings don’t make up for this, ♦Mildmay, ♦Wally West, not as calm as she seems

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