5th Fairy Tale § Voice/Action

Feb 21, 2011 12:39

[When Jilly wakes up she might be alone in her bed, but Captain Jack Sparrow is in her apartment.

Oh, not in person. The pirate was elsewhere, probably on his boat or in the Cullen house, but everywhere Jilly looks there are signs of him. The ring he gave her is still on her finger, a sliver of silver that she’s no longer sure what to do with. On her easel, a half-finished oil portrait stares out at her main room, a familiar rougish smile beaming at anyone passing by. And, when she goes to fetch her sketchbook, it’s only to realize that it is completely and utterly full.

She’d filled every page with him.

She’s not ready to deal with any of this. The portrait is taken down and tucked into a closet where it can dry safely out of sight. The sketchbook is left on her kitchen table to be sorted out another time. And the ring… that’s the hardest to decide. Finally slipping it from her finger, she tucks it in a drawer. Later. She can deal with it later.

Fetching her journal, she just sounds a bit dazed and frustrated when she actually speaks.]

Well, that was…. indescribable.

[actually, she can think of any number of adjectives for it, none of them pleasant, but Jack will probably read this eventually and, however upset she is, she’s not going to purposefully make it harder on him.

Eventually, journal in hand, she makes her way into town, heading for the shops.

She needs a new sketchbook.]

[ooc: Open over the journal or anywhere in town. Once she has her sketchbook, she’s finding a nice, busy spot to draw anyone and everyone who doesn’t resemble a pirate]

you have got to be kidding me, love is a dangerous thing, everyone loves pirates, ♦Jack Sparrow, ♦Raine Sage, drawing is possible anywhere, ♦Archie Kennedy, people watching, ♦Ami, ♦Maes Hughes, !luceti, ♦Doctor McCoy, ♦Buffy, wings don’t make up for this, not as calm as she seems

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