1st Fairy Tale § Voice/Action

Jan 10, 2011 16:25

[It wasn’t the first time Jilly had slept outside. It wasn’t even the first time she’d had to sleep out in very un-sleep-friendly weather. But where she woke up was most definitely not where she’d fallen asleep.

It’s a gust of wind that wakes her as it sends a shower of snow onto exposed skin, instantly melting against her arms and legs and soaking into the thin fabric of the sundress.]


[sitting up with a start, she narrowly misses hitting her head on the handle bars of a dinky, metal merry-go-round. Not that she realizes what it is, at first. It takes her a few seconds of confused blinking and wondering where her loft went before she recognizes the familiar shapes of playground equipment, quickly being buried under falling snow.

Standing, tightly hugging herself in an attempt to ward off the cold, she looks around. This definitely was not Newford. Was she ...dreaming?]



I-if this is Mabon, this is n-not how I pictured getting here.

God it’s cold.

[cold enough that she’s too numb to notice the added weight of the wings on her back, or the journal, lying half-buried in a nearby snowdrift]

♦Jack Sparrow, worlds need to stop kidnapping her, ♦Crowley, ♦Archie Kennedy, dear god it's cold, ♦Rydia, !luceti, she really should be more surprised, introductions

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