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"I'd say it's better than even odds you've seen the story, either at
VE or
Slashdot. The long and short of it is that someone said they liked a couple Nintendo games in their SuicideGirls profile - and, in a parody of the reasonable universe, lawyers bared their teeth. I have a hunch we're talking about some kind of perverted spider application, an automated process with a bottomless appetite for filth, but it's funny to think tracking down meaningless infractions like this is
some guy's fucking job."
"...Someone at Nintendo figured out this was stupid -
BoingBoing has the letter they sent out."
Taken from In case you're wondering, is a softcore pornographic website that features young teens, usually self-proclaimed goths (hence "Suicide Girls") taking off their clothes. Hot. ^^
In conclusion, I don't think I need to say this BUT: Nintendo, you are retarded. ^^;