5 songs I know all the words to:
1. "Georgia on my Mind" by Ray Charles
2. "Faithfully" by Journey
3. "Uneasy Rider" by Charlie Daniels Band
4. "Love Song" by Tesla
5. "What's Your Fantasy" by Ludacris
5 snacks
1. Corn nuts
2. Celery
3. raw green beans
4. Diet Coke
5. bagels
5 things I'd do with $100 million
1. throw a big party with hotel rooms for everyone in nyc
2. work remotely
3. invest
4. Pay a lot of people's bills
5. Finally get a ticket to a Champions League match
5 places I'd run off to
1. Athens, Georgia
2. London
3. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
4. Israel
5. Dublin
5 things I'd never wear
1. a speedo
2. anything orange
3. anything with the word "Tennessee" on it
4. capri pants
5. moustache
5 favorite TV shows (in no particular order)
1. The Daily Show
2. The West Wing
3. EPL Review Show
4. VH1's the 80's Strike Back in 3-D in the Fourth Dimension pleading the fifth
5. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
5 greatest joys
1. Empty subways
2. a cab when I need it
3. making the plane
4. no one noticing I hadn't updated something and fixing it before they notice
5. high-speed internet
5 favorite toys
1. my psx2
2. iPod
3. Diet Coke
4. my ti-faux
5. the free roundtrip ticket burning a hole in my pocket
I was tagged by
teh jess. I spread it to:
teh wiggy and