sowwy :)

Oct 14, 2006 01:19

Sooo we ended up making up on homecoming and my theory is that he is confused in his life because he's starting college, a new chapter for himself kinda so he's a bit lost.

::angry rant warning::
We're doing a lot better, although today was a little bit of a stumble because when I walked in to Jakes party thing he's what, laying across 3 girls and they're all grabbing and tickling him in places only I should be allowed to touch. Of course being me I semi-overreact and get angry at him...but is that so wrong? He says I don't trust him, but seriously...if i walk in to him laying across 3 girls being groped I think I have a reason to not trust him so much around girls. We've argued about this a billion times but he still doesn't get it...He blames me for not being able to go out with people and really, I don't give a fuck if he's hanging out with people, but I DO care if he's constantly flirting with them. We had a bit of a talk at the party and eventually he stopped being angry and we just did the mutual agreement on 'we'll try harder' and see how it goes.
::k done::


ANYWAYS...yea there's that school thing....i'm a F A I L U R E at math...and I really would rather drop the class...but I dunno...- . -; that would be really weak of me...unlike me...AP lit is going great, pretty easy stuff just lots of busy work....annoying as hell but the teacher's pretty entertaining. Don't know exactly how much I"ll learn in the class...but we'll see. I also have basic strength...kinda fun, I want to be able to run a mile in 8ish minutes like I used to....and lose that arm/thigh fat XD;. Then there's the almighty japanese class....o happy happy joy joy....I'm pretty terrible at learning languages I figured out...and yet I"m the president of the Japanese Club. I feel pretty guilty about that...but I swear I'll keep the popularity of the club up throughout the year...Jap club haven't been doing well for the years I've been in it but I want to change that. This month we're having a potluck and next month a joint movie night with French club watching Wasabi. It shall be awesome. HTML class is pretty fun, I actually enjoy learning in that class because I'm learning skills that I will use later and having Jeremy in that class just makes it that much more awesome XD.


My Mom came back from China yesteday :D! uhm...not much else...? Oh yea I started playing Mario RPG finally, it's so great XD.

Art stuff:

I decided to make a small business kinda thing and paint shirts and sell them online. My first theme will be a penguin and robot XD and it will be great. For the website I decided I would write a short silly story between the penguin and robot and the pictures on the shirt would be random scenes in the story and it will be very cute/interesting/weird and awesome at the same time. I already bought the acrylic paint fabric medium and a couple shirts, now to figure out color designs for the characters and do final character drafts. :D!


Uhm pretty crappy as usual? I want to make more tips for the amount of work I do, cuz seriously I bust my ass every single night, and knowing that the casino servers do just as much work as me and make hundreds a night....just is like OGISDOINFIOASMFOANIOASD~~~~~~!!!. So...yea :). My brother plans on teaching me card dealing during winter vacation though so I can be a casino dealer at kenmore instead and make mucho moolah. Which I need...desperately...

hmmmm anymore updates on life I need to post about? I'll try to peek my head back in more often...I swear!
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