discover a treasured item

Oct 08, 2009 00:48

so I was going through some of my boxes of shit trying to get things actually organized for once when I saw a CD with a hand printed label on it saying, "Broad mix, 317." I couldn't remember for the life of me when I burned it, or what was on it. So I put it in the computer and spin it only to a song I vaguely remember, Macross Plus - Quickbeat (evangelion remix) which starts out sounding like a commercial for the Evangelion Rebirth ova. For the first minute and a half it's just abstract background noise as the voice actor of Rei Ayanami talks about tragedy, the future spinning in continuing spirals and all that. At this point I begin to remember that I really like the track for some reason, so ignore the impulse to hit the skip track button. About a half minute later I'm fully reminded why I like the song, which is all techno and percussion. It's right around then that I realize that this CD contains pretty much every song I like to listen to, at at least every one from about four years back. Bad Religion, Green Day, Powerman 5000, SR-71 (I had forgotten about them entirely), sound tracks and remixes from a bunch of anime, a ton of my favorite tracks from Sonic the Hedgehog games, Tatu (the original tracks, not the shitty English ones), Primus, Prodigy, most of the Jet Set Radio Future OST (which had some really awesome tracks, but also some SUPER shitty ones), some AFI, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and fucking Garbage - Cherry Lips O.o

I'm going to rip, edit, reorganize, update and reburn this cd. Tomorrow.
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