Bokutachi no 10ve Anniversary

Sep 19, 2013 19:24

My anniversary post for NEWS. It's not that late yo~ i can still feel the celebration. ^_^ And of course i won't forgive myself if i won't be able to post something for their 10th anniversary.

  I've been a NEWS fan for more or less than three years. Honestly, i don't know when exactly did i became a fan. One day, i just found myself loving them more than i thought i could. They simply makes me happy and i always thought that wherever you're happy, STAY. Everyone was aware of how much sadness, disappointments and frustrations the whole NEWS fandom endured. We've gone through worst times. And the good thing about 'worst', there's no greater than it. Fate has no choice but to give us nothing but good happy times.
  I don't know what else to write. LOL. I'm just so happy right now. I am really really really happy. I've never been happier. This is what NEWS do to me. I feel so blessed and happy to be a Chankapaana. For me, NEWS is truly one of a kind group. Aside from their history, their approach to fans is the best. I don't follow any group as religiously as i follow NEWS so i have nothing to compare to but just as what NEWS was always saying, i can proudly say that NEWS love their fans the most. It's strange but i can really feel we are cherished by them. There's really LOVE between NEWS and the fans. It's overwhelming.
  I love 6nin NEWS, i always will. But from now on, i will give my 100% love and support to the four of them. To the four who made it to their 10th year.
what else? hmmmmm... i don't know anymore. LOL. I'm lost for words. Just let me write about Ai Kotoba~ Te wo Hiite!!! Because it's been playing on loop on my player this whole time. HAHA. I love it's lyrics. I love the fact that Tegoshi and NEWS composed and wrote it. I love the live performance of it. My heart is beaming with pride, i cried the first time i watched them. My thought was: "Shems~ THEY REALLY LOVE US." No kidding, i know all the Chankapaanas around the world felt it too. Their song was so heartfelt. Every line goes straight to the heart. It really is the most perfect anniversary song. It is now officially my favorite song.

These are my favorite lines. XD

yes, indeed.

NEWS' relationship with us is very mutual. T^T

i flailed so hard with Shige here. XD damang-dama ko siya~ His facial expression--LOVE.

the best leader ever. T^T He sang his heart out here. *hugs Kei-chan*

the line suits him very well. i love him forever.

Massu was so adorable cutie the whole perf. XD

NEWS really loves Chankapaanas--their girlfriends. This song was the best. It's really like a song from a boyfriend to his very special girl.
Everything was in it. Words of love, thanks, apology and promise. Aikotoba~Te wo Hiite sums everything up from the years they've been together
and it gave a warm feeling of assurance.
Performance-wise, God, when did they became this good at singing!!!!!!???? uwaaaaah~ I am so proud of them.

If you want to download it, natyxt54 shared it here.

Gomen ne~ i can't make a proper post for them. LOL. As much as i want to express my love for them, i have no idea how.I'll just scream from the top of my lungs... I LOVE YOU NEWS!!!
  Yes! NEWS makes the world happier by letting us meet precious Chankapaanas.

I'm happy if you feel close to NEWS' 10th anniversary in someway or another.
-Koyama (Mem Ai vol.897) thanks to nieheartkzya

Thanks to the ever-hardworking admins of Nyusu.PH and Tegomass.PH, i really felt close to NEWS' 10th anniversary. With fellow chankapaanas, we celebrated the fangirl way! HAHA~ The event was full of fun, no dull moment, meaning NO QUIET moments. We are a bunch of crazy hyper flailing fangirls. Our fangirl powers weren't subdued to nonstop pouring rain. We viewed it as blessing. NEWS' 10th anniversary was blessed. XD

Some pictures(ALL the photos are not mine. ^_*):

the admins. ^_^ it's thanks to their effort that we've enjoyed such event.

NEWS celebrating their anniv. LOL
the posers: me, ann, ate She(binibinikahel) and Erika(erikz_16)


NEWS cupcakes~ ^___^


me, fae(kathy_paco) and ann during ending don or intro don(?)

i think this was from when we're playing "reversed" Stop Dance. XD

this too, is from "reversed" stop dance. We are supposed to dance when the music is off and freeze when the music continues. The song played is DANCE IN THE DARK!!! FTW! i must commend ate She's (binibinikahel) energy and dance skills!!! LOOOL *shabu pa!*

and this cute 9-year old Shige-biased won the stop dance! XDDD

those three are from Pinoy Henyo. ^_^  Where the epic "BANGLADESH" happened.

ate kat(katrinasacay) with her beloved Bangladesh. LOOOL

erikz_16 and Kiimii won~ ^_^

oh and i also won in the Quiz Bee. Hoho~ i also managed to bring home a Shige-uchiwa. XD

now let me introduce you. the NEWS Rangers! LMAO.

though we're TegoTegoMassuTego. WAHAHAHA~

me with erikz_16 and her sister Ann

with ate She (binibinikahel)

ate Maylene(Nyusu Garu's Massu), Ann, ate Karen and me. ^_^

with Fae (kathy_paco)

NEWS~ woooh~


Thank you people for wonderful memories. Though i've missed some fangirlfriends who couldn't come, this day was awesome. ^_^

(i forgot to take pictures of the giveaways. LOL. Next time.:))

birthday, fandom, news

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