I haven't posted in over a year, I think. Here's what that year has brought me.
I am currently working as a lab tech at a laboratory at the University of Chicago. It's an endocrine lab; we study pancreatic islets and diabetes. I just submitted an article to a journal; I will be first author, which I guess is pretty rare for a tech.
I've graduated Elmhurst College with a BS in biology.
I have applied to several graduate schools. I have had interviews at the University of Chicago and the Medical College of Wisconsin. I have upcoming interviews at UIC, Loyola, Baylor College of Medicine, and Albany Medical College. I am waiting to hear from the University of Pittsburgh. I should hear whether or not I was accepted to UC in a couple of weeks. I hope to start grad school this fall.
I co-wrote a 50-page article on the science behind Resident Evil - a series of video games known for
kicking science in the balls. We expect to write about four more. This is what I do in my spare time.