::Points at icon::
kukkurkurat replied to one of my comments in the
steamfashion community that she'd fallen in love with my steam-punky little Dalek mice, and asked how I came by them (and could she grab the icon?)
I said:
The story on my Dalek mice icon: for a few years in the late 80s, a fan artist sold these beautiful little sculpy cats dressed as various media characters in the dealer's room at MediaWest*Con. They were beautifully painted and comparatively cheap considering how awesome they were. I bought wee little Indiana Jones and Mad Max kitties, and the entire run of every doctor from Hartnell to McCoy. I asked the artist to make me Sarah Jane, Leela, and Peri kitties, and some Dalek mice. She never got around to making the Sarah Jane (couldn't decide how to dress her so you'd know who it was), and she made Peri a mouse instead of a cat (rather fitting, I thought), but her most wonderful creations were the two tiny Dalek mice she made me... and a tiny mouse K-9.
Wish I could remember who the artist was, I'd ask her to make three more doctor-cats for me!
I let her grab the mice (as long as she credited
marycrawford, who made the icon for me.) She asked to see the Doctors Cat, so I agreed to post them.
If anyone wants to use One of these images to make an icon, GO FOR IT! Just drop me a line so I can ooh and ah at your creativity. If any of you know who the artist was and is, tell her she's got some business over here if she'd only contact me. I'd love to get three more Doctors Cat to bring the set up-to-date!