FOUND: Peter/Stiles Wall of Books

Jan 24, 2022 01:47

I know this is really vague, but I have this scene in my mind and I can't remember where it is from.

90% sure it was a Peter/Stiles fic, and I think also featured an alive hale pack too. Stiles was into reading a bunch of books, but was only allowed to read those in the hale library or something, and Peter had a wall of books in his room that were special or advanced or something. I think Peter and Stiles finally get together, and the first thing Stiles asks is if he can read Peter's books now. Might have featured Stiles waking up in bed (post sexy times or recovering from injury?) that led to that scene? Peter laughs at Stiles' question, and I think that might be the end of the fic.

Would have been on AO3, 90% sure it was Peter/Stiles. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks!

character: peter hale, pairing: peter/stiles, character: stiles stilinski, genre: slash, media: fanfic, theme: fluff, *found

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