Looking for a Spark!Stiles/Alpha Derek fic and a fic where the Hales/Noah had a mutual "man-crush"

Oct 20, 2021 11:17

1. I was looking for this specific fic, werewolves and sparks are known, Stiles is a spark (I think Boyd and maybe Cora were too?) and all sparks have specific talents. Stiles feels like his talents are useless, they're kinda magic tricks he uses to cheer up kids. He ends up being pretty powerful. I think he used to think Derek hated him but they ended up together in the end. Not sure if he was aiming to be an emissary or not. ** STILL LOOKING, I can't remember much else about it. I'm not sure if it was a A/B/O, like an 'Omegas are Sparks/Magic' thing.**

2. Anyone remember a Derek/Stiles fic where they were together or getting together and Stiles' dad had a "man-crush/crush" on Derek's dad/mom and the Hales felt the same admiration for Mr. Stilinski, and it made Stiles really embarrassed/horrified lol The parents' relationship was not-romantic, just cute. I know it was a Derek/Stiles fic but all I remember is that Stiles was horrified when he realized the admiration was mutual haha **FOUND: I found it! It's A Neutrino Walks Through a Bar by Moku. https://archiveofourown.org/works/2022987 **

*unanswered, pairing: derek/stiles, genre: slash, theme: magic, *found

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