Looking for specifiic Stiles centric fic

Feb 02, 2014 23:38

Looking for a fic that had this scene in it. Stiles gets pulled over by Chris argent and some of his fellow hunters. Stiles knows Derek is a Werewolf but plays it off as if he doesn't when talking to Chris. I don't think Stiles and Derek are dating but he does tell Chris a story about making out in a car with Derek and Derek growling and being scared because the Alpha was outside the car. He asks Chris not to tell his dad that he is dating Derek. One of the hunters also shines a light in his eyes to figure out if he is a werewolf or not. This is all I can remember, but I know the fic was longer than just this scene. Anybody know it?

character: chris argent, character: sheriff stilinski, theme: family, pairing: derek/stiles, media: fanfic, category: specific search, *found, theme: secret relationship, theme: other, theme: supernatural, theme: misunderstanding, character: derek hale, character: stiles stilinski, genre: slash

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