magical!stiles-centric fic? FOUND

Apr 21, 2024 13:40

Searching for a magical!Stiles/spark!Stiles fic that I read a while ago. I'd be so grateful if someone can find it! It's either Sterek or Steter.

Here are the parts I remember:

- The Sheriff finds out about the supernatural and decides that Chris Argent needs to train Stiles in how to defend himself against werewolves.

- Stiles can control arrows/knives made with Mountain ash. He sends them flying toward the target during training. I think Erica spies on the training session.

- The motw is a witch who's out for revenge for her sisters death.

- The witch mind controls a pack of werewolves. During the final battle, she tortures Stiles. He uses magic to attack her with knives. The pack members are kept in mountain ash circles during the torture.

That's all I remember. Does anyone know the fic? 🙏

Update: I found a fic that includes parts of this myself. Link in comments.

Still searching for the fic where the Sheriff asks Chris to train them.

character: chris argent, character: peter hale, theme: hurt/comfort, media: fanfic, category: specific search, *unanswered, character: stiles stilinski, genre: slash, character: erica reyes, character: sheriff stilinski, pairing: peter/stiles, pairing: derek/stiles, theme: pack!fic, *found, theme: bamf, character: derek hale, character: allison argent, theme: magic

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