Apr 03, 2015 23:28
Title: Always an Alpha
Genre: Horror/Crime/Adventure
Pairings/characters: Peter/Lydia
Type of beta you'd like: SPag but with an emphasis on making awkward sentences better
Length, or word count: 240k+
Short Summary: A lot of murders are happening in Beacon Hill and it turns out that one of them can only be stopped by Lydia but she needs Peter's help to do so ...
Oh well, started this after 3A ended written a shit load for it, but I had like a dozen betas for it and they all left. Most them anyway just pointed out cosmetic stuff - now after having to take a break out of frustration, real life issues, I tried to read myself into it and there are so many awkward sentences ...
I'd really like someone who loves to be nitpicky go over my sentences and make me do better. Or else I fear I need forever just to fix what I already wrote (mostly because I put in new mistakes :P).
You don't need to be fast, I can wait for you to go through a chapter, I just really need some help and if this takes a year or two that is still better than me on my own never finishing.
Story is outlined and I dare say at least 65 Percent finished. So if you liked the show up until 3A, don't mind a slow built of the main pairing, some minor Allison/Isaac, later on some soft Derek and Stiles bonding more moments, Chris getting some action and a few OCs - you might even like it.