Beta Request: Sterek/ Dresden Files AU/ Plot - Centric

Mar 20, 2015 00:24

Title or Description: Burnt Heart
Genre: Dresden Files AU/ Urban Fantasy/ Action/ Drama
Relationships/Characters: Sterek Pre-Slash
Length or word count: I'm still writing the last chapter, but it will be about 50000 in total.
Type of beta you'd like: I'm not a native speaker, and this is the first time I write a novel in English from the start instead of translating from Chinese, which is my mother-tongue. I'll need help with SPaG, Ameripick, speech, and just English in general. Some sentences that make sense to me might actually be nonesense to others, and my writing tends to be really bland. This story will need some pretty extensive rewriting.
Those are already a lot of work, but I'd really appreciate feedbacks about the story and the characterization as well. Although this is a Dresden Files AU, you don't really need to be familiar with the books. In fact, it's fine if you haven't read any. I actually need more help with the Teen Wolf part.
Language (if other than English): English
Short summary, preview, or details: Stiles was bored. There was a body in the woods. Scott suddenly had a tattoo he didn't get. They bumped into Derek Hale in the preserve. That's about how it started. Stiles's life was never the same after that.
Other notes: This is only the first part of the series I have been planning. It'd be great if I can find someone willing to stick around with me till the end, but it's not a requirement. And I've already posted the first nine chapters on AO3, because I didn't know how to find beta readers. I'm willing to make drastic changes to the story though. I've actually wanted to change a lot of things.
No deadline. Plus, I'm a pretty slow writer.

Beta found


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