Fic: I'm Not Done (Eric/Sookie), 1/1

Aug 28, 2011 20:33

Title: I'm Not Done
Pairing: Eric/Sookie
Rating: PG
Summary: For the first time, she experienced what it was like to have Eric hate her, and it ripped her raw. True Blood fic. Post 4x09 "Let's Get Out of Here." 3,719 words.
Note: canciona you are to blame for this! My Eric-gets-his-memory-back story.

Sookie knew the moment it happened, because a glimmer came back into his eyes )

fic: true blood

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Comments 15

the_grynne August 28 2011, 11:50:41 UTC
Yes!! This is exactly what I hope will happen. Great work.


teenwitch77 August 28 2011, 13:19:09 UTC
I'm am tentatively excited for the next episode.

Thank you for the kind words!


k_lila August 28 2011, 12:32:54 UTC
Really good.
Though I'd feel sorry for Sookie if this does happen, I need the old Eric back now, it's been enough.


teenwitch77 August 28 2011, 13:19:36 UTC
Agreed. I'm hanging out for it like you would not believe. Thanks for the feedback!


wintergreen126 August 28 2011, 18:37:08 UTC
nicely done! i like that you were subtle with eric's frustration and curiosity about exactly what happened and how he took control again quickly and held on tightly to it. i think that's what has really bothered me about wishy-washy eric: he didn't have the same sense of his own agency and didn't even try to get a handle on it. he let sookie be in charge. and sookie- at least the way alan ball has created her, i hear she's different in the books- is not the type of person who should be in charge. of anything.

thanks for sharing! i hope you have a good week!


canciona August 28 2011, 20:37:51 UTC
Ahhh, it was everything I could hope for! I happily accept the blame, but this was all you - and I love it. You have them down perfectly, as always. Thank you!!


teenwitch77 August 29 2011, 01:02:58 UTC
Aw thank you! It was fun to while away a few hours on it, I haven't done that for a while ;)


heliokleia August 28 2011, 21:12:00 UTC
*sighs* That's the way it should go... so thank you very much, for sharing this epilogue, my dear; no better start into the week.


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