From Twitter 08-11-2010

Aug 12, 2010 03:10

  • 03:55:07: bed for the first time in a very long time. Peter spent the rest of the day and into the next night tossing and turning, fighting off -
  • 03:57:26: nightmare after nightmare till he woke, feeling more tired then he started. What was he going to do now?
  • 04:03:36: In the last 7 days, I lost 2 followers and I caught them all with #whounfollowedme
  • 04:22:58: Peter heard his phone buzz, he didn't want to deal with anyone right now with how he was feeling. He pulled his phone from his pocket with -
  • 04:25:34: a sigh, flipping it open. He saw the text from @ SpeedyFlirt and his heart stopped for a second and he through the phone across the room.
  • 04:32:47: Why did he do that? He stares at his phone laying open on the floor, arms wrapped around him. He reached down and picked it up. Typing on -
  • 04:35:28: the key pad. @ BrknVision txt: I'm not okay. Need to see you.
  • 04:41:22: @ BrknVision Txt: You can come here, Ma knows about you.
  • 04:45:19: @ BrknVision txt: Tell her I'm with you. The truth.
  • 04:48:44: @ All_Ass ((*mops up drool*))
  • 04:51:17: @ All_Ass ((*starts to reach out then pulls back* ah, sure))
  • 04:54:17: @ Invite_Me_In Looks at the fire. "Fire is low. Would you like to see another one of my gifts?"
  • 04:57:06: @ BrknVision He sends Jax the directions to the mansion, then changes his clothes. Hurrying down the stairs to wait for him.
  • 04:59:47: @ All_Ass ((*goes to page to drool more*))
  • 05:03:05: @ All_Ass (*turns around and lightly skims hands down Ass's chest*)
  • 05:04:34: @ All_Ass (What will it cost me? *grins*)
  • 05:06:51: @ All_Ass (don't get an allowance. I got grounded.)
  • 05:07:24: @ Invite_Me_In Peter leans forward giving Eric a better view. He turns a palm up and lit it on fire, creating a fireball.
  • 05:09:09: @ All_Ass (Anything else I could do for you?)
  • 05:09:57: @ BrknVision Peter tells the butler he'll get the door and lets Jax in, scratching his neck nervously. "Hey"
  • 05:14:41: @ All_Ass (*gets up close to him, tracing a line down the man's bare chest with a finger* Anything you want.)
  • 05:19:03: @ Invite_Me_In Peter grins wide as Eric laughs. "What do you think about that?" Throws the ball into the fireplace, reigniting the wood.
  • 05:22:48: @ All_Ass (*Shrugs and gropes him. Peter turn and walks away* Hmm don't know what you're missing. See ya. *Waves without looking back*)
  • 05:33:43: @ BrknVision Peter lead Jax upstairs to his room, closing the door behind them. Peter paces across the floor not knowing what to say.
  • 05:39:13: @ Invite_Me_In Peter looks at Eric's face, studying his expression. "you really like it. You're not scared of it?"
  • 05:49:33: @ BrknVision He flinched away at Jax's touch He sits on the end of his bed.Head hanging in his hands."They said I'm too young to be in love."
  • 05:59:51: @ Invite_Me_In Peter shook his head laughing. "Anyone else I've shown runs the other way screaming their head off. You are not like anyone -
  • 06:01:35: @ Invite_Me_In I've ever met." Peter reached up, moving the strand of hair around the man
  • 06:01:51: @ Invite_Me_In the man's ear.
  • 06:04:24: @ BrknVision He spits the words that were repeated to him many times yesterday. "I'm only sixteen, how would I know what love is?"
  • 06:09:29: @ Invite_Me_In ((OK))
  • 06:15:35: @ BrknVision Peter looked up at him, with tears in his eyes. "You know what happened to me after I found that fake letter, right?" He was in-
  • 06:16:41: @ BrknVision such a fog for weeks after that, he doesn't remember what he told people.
  • 06:31:13: @ BrknVision "They told me in more detail about it. They said it was the same way rape victims react." He is to ashamed to look at him. "How-
  • 06:33:19: @ BrknVision can it be rape when I said it was okay. Is it because I'm to young to know better."
  • 06:52:29: @ BrknVision Jax's question penetrated his haze and a clear spot opened and he realized what he was saying and to whom he was speaking to.-
  • 06:55:01: @ BrknVision He cringed and looked pleadingly into his eyes. "Oh, my God. Jax, I'm so sorry. I..." he thinks about their relationship and -
  • 06:57:37: @ BrknVision how he kept touching Jax, forcing the man into doing things he had never done before. Peter's hand covers his mouth, horror in-
  • 07:00:42: @ BrknVision his eyes. "Jax I forced you into this relationship. You hadn't even thought about a relationship with a man before me."He stood-
  • 07:01:52: @ BrknVision up and made a wide circle around Jax to get to the bathroom and was sick.
  • 07:11:53: @ onepowerpete ((I'm so sorry about your uncle. My thoughts will be with you and your family.))
  • 07:24:13: @ BrknVision All he had the last 24hrs was water and a pixie stick, so most of what he did was dry heaved and it hurt. When his body stopped-
  • 07:26:05: @ BrknVision convulsing he sat on the cool, tiled floor, looking up at the worried Jax. He grabbed a towel and wiped his face. "From that -
  • 07:28:09: @ BrknVision first day we met at the apartment I pushed myself at you. You practically ran out of there." He thought of when he met Daphne-
  • 07:31:19: @ BrknVision He was in a relationship with Gwen at the time. Daphne was all over him and he over her. He closed his eyes, Hesam's voice in -
  • 07:32:46: @ BrknVision his head. She was older, the adult, she should have known better. Peter's head falls to his knees with a groan.
  • 08:28:46: @ BrknVision Jax's words half soaked in half bounced off the daze. "and you would know how a good relationship works, Jax. How many have you-
  • 08:30:34: @ BrknVision been in? Or better yet, What kind of caring relationship does your parents have?I know I don't have an example of one to go by."
  • 08:30:53: RT @BrknVision: In case anyone is wondering what prompted @TeenPeter's freak out it was this.
  • 08:37:53: @ Invite_Me_In "Not unless you try to eat me, even then I might just let you." The blaze that he added to the fireplace made it roar and the-
  • 08:39:27: @ Invite_Me_In scorched from it almost enough to make him sweat. "maybe that was a bit much." Peter wiped at his brow.
  • 08:44:20: @ phasing_cat Before your fosters came home I had a dream... more like a nightmare. There was a man with that description in it.
  • 08:47:20: @ BrknVision Peter stares at Jax's back as he leaves. He hangs his head and lets the tears fall. wandering what the hell had just happened.
  • 08:58:33: @ HezEMT *Between sobs he hears his phone beep in his bed room. He doesn't care right now*
  • 09:01:19: @ phasing_cat He looked down at the paper, avoiding her eyes. "I woke up to men breaking down your bedroom door and they took you. I tried-
  • 09:03:04: @ phasing_cat to rescue you, but my powers didn't work. Then that guy showed up and told me if I go with them they wouldn't hurt you. Then I-
  • 09:03:48: @ phasing_cat woke up to your fosters coming home." Looks up to see her reaction.
  • 09:07:37: @ microwaveHobo @all_heart @SpongeyBoyScout @HezEMT ((*Grabs some popcorn and watches fight with*))
  • 09:12:28: @ microwaveHobo @all_heart @SpongeyBoyScout @HezEMT ((*Whispers back* Not like they are wearing much to begin with, but yeah.))
  • 09:16:09: @ microwaveHobo @all_heart @SpongeyBoyScout @HezEMT (*laughs loudly*)
  • 09:23:01: @ phasing_cat "They were shooting some kind of darts. They must have hit you while you were sleeping." Hugs her tight.
  • 09:30:53: @ AClairePetrelli ((Hey there. Happy #boobiewed.))
  • 09:32:44: The tears finally stopped and he blew his nose with toilet paper. Pulling himself up by the sink he splashed water on his face, avoiding -
  • 09:34:31: looking in the mirror. He felt so weak as he dragged his feet to his bed. He stepped over his blinking phone on the way. Peter flopped down-
  • 09:34:58: and fell into a dreamless sleep.
  • 09:49:19: @ phasing_cat He stared at the table for a long while, thinking. "I don't know, Kitty. Maybe we take this guys advice and go with it."
  • 09:52:44: @ Invite_Me_In He looks around in wonder, watching the shadows from the flames dancing along the walls. "Yeah, I better." He leaned back-
  • 09:54:18: @ Invite_Me_In again, snuggling into his chest.
  • 09:58:59: @ phasing_cat He sighed."I want to do all that stuff with you. We're kids Kitty, what are we going to do against my mom?"
  • 10:00:13: @ phasing_cat ((I'm going to bed. TTYL.))
  • 10:00:32: @ Invite_Me_In ((Going to bed. TTYL))
  • 18:19:17: Peter's eyes slowly opened, blinking into focus, and stared at the Tony Hawk poster on the wall. He threw back his covers with a yawn. -
  • 18:23:06: Standing up he stretched and scratched himself. Peter took the three steps it took to reach the wall and ran his fingers over the poster, -
  • 18:25:21: Focusing more attention on the board in Tony's hands. He grabbed the sides of the poster and violently tore it from the wall and ripped it -
  • 18:28:25: into tiny pieces and tossed it into the trash can. He hears a light knock on the door and slowly answers it, stepping over his blinking -
  • 18:30:58: phone again. Peter opened the door and found a tray of food laying on the floor. He picked it up, carried it to his desk and nibbled at it.
  • 18:35:16: @ phasing_cat He gives a snort. "Yeah, she's one woman alright. One woman with a fortune at her disposal and the determination to keep us -
  • 18:38:32: @ phasing_cat us apart." He runs a hand through his hair. "Kitty, do you have any idea why she's doing this?"
  • 19:02:56: @ phasing_cat He shook his head. "No, Ma can be superficial, but bribing you?" He cringes. "What if she saw us the other night. Maybe we -
  • 19:04:57: @ phasing_cat missed a camera. I'm grasping at straws here. I just don't get it. Should we go to the cops?"
  • 19:54:33: @ BrknVision (*hugs and kisses hard* Of course it went to me, You don't talk to anyone else.)
  • 20:02:49: @ Invite_Me_In (*Clings* Miss you.)
  • 20:05:55: The food helped settle his stomach. His eyes keep straying to his phone on the floor, knowing that at least some of those blinks are from -
  • 20:07:57: the one person he can't bring himself to face. He picked it up and scanned through the texts.
  • 20:11:38: He saw the 'Hey' from @ HezEMT and wants to text back 'F U' but that would be childish. Instead Txt: Hey.
  • 20:17:23: He's about to answer back to @ SpeedyFlirt when his phone buzzes with a new text from Hesam. He welcomes the distraction.
  • 20:18:40: @ HezEMT txt: What the hell did you guys do to me!!
  • 20:19:48: @ phasing_cat ((Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what to say back. Distraction helps. I will.))
  • 20:27:40: @ HezEMT *Glares at the screen* txt: You guys got your fuckin wish. Jax walked out on me and I can't bring myself to talk to Daphne.
  • 20:35:21: @ phasing_cat He holds her hand. "What do you want to do? I think we should just keep going with our lives like this never happened." He -
  • 20:36:56: @ phasing_cat shrugs. If Ma does come to you, we'll go from there."
  • 20:42:24: @ HezEMT Three words is all he has to say? Anger rises in him he text back. Txt: I was happy & one convo with U 2 & my life is falling apart.
  • 20:46:16: Reads the text from @ HezEMT and throws his phone against the wall using TK for more force. The phone shatters into pieces.
  • 21:19:09: ((Sorry I wasn't arround much tonight. Gotta go. Night.))

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