From Twitter 06-17-2010

Jun 18, 2010 03:26

  • 04:13:09: @ aclairepetrelli Rose for AClairePetrelli (Happy Birthday)
  • 04:13:52: *Cries* @ twitter ate my tweet count.
  • 04:16:57: @ indestructigirl @HezEMT We can all suffer together. *Group hug*
  • 04:22:17: RT @Open_Flame: @ TeenPeter I think twitter is a zombie and it's eating tweet counts because it's too stupid to realize they're not brains.
  • 04:23:20: @ Open_Flame ROFL That is hilarious on so many different levels.
  • 04:25:47: @ Open_Flame *Stops laughing* Let me guess they are real too.
  • 04:26:12: @ Mr_Petrelli Hello
  • 04:28:40: @ Mr_Petrelli Wishing my girlfriend was around. You?
  • 04:30:42: @ Mr_Petrelli Yup.
  • 04:31:33: @ Mr_Petrelli I have ...something... that needs taking care of.
  • 04:34:17: @ Mr_Petrelli *rolls eyes* Not you. My girlfriend. Geesh.
  • 04:36:04: @ Mr_Petrelli Yeah, just a bit.
  • 04:39:06: @ Open_Flame *eyes wide* The come back from the dead/slow walk moaning/I want your brain/Zombies. *looks around nervously*
  • 04:39:44: @ Mr_Petrelli So how was your drunken night?
  • 04:42:00: @ Mr_Petrelli That must have been fun for "everyone". *laughs*
  • 04:45:26: @ Open_Flame *relieved* Oh, good. *grins* What makes a zombie anyway?
  • 04:50:14: @ SpeedyFlirt *Rolls into her hand* Oh, baby. I need that *Kisses*
  • 04:51:09: @ AClairePetrelli ((*Hugs* *grins*))
  • 04:53:54: @ AClairePetrelli ((*frowns* Not having a good birthday? Sorry. Need to talk?))
  • 04:57:26: @ AClairePetrelli ((Ok. I am glad I brightened your day a bit.))
  • 05:01:59: @ AClairePetrelli ((That literally took 2 days to find the right words. Was worried it would turn out bad. It didn't. XD))
  • 05:04:39: @ Open_Flame Interesting.
  • 06:09:54: @ SpeedyFlirt *She cries out my name and I grin at her. Removing my moist cover hands I kiss and caress every inch of her till I reach her -
  • 06:11:10: @ SpeedyFlirt mouth. My hands grab her hair and pull her to meet mine. Kissing her with great need.*
  • 06:32:54: @ SpeedyFlirt *I gasp into her mouth as I feel the cool air against my fevered flesh. I press up into her wanting to feel her smooth skin.-
  • 06:33:54: @ SpeedyFlirt I groan into her neck. I desperately need release and I need her to give it to me.*
  • 06:55:57: @ SpeedyFlirt *the moment she touches me my knees go weak. I have to hold her head to support me. I'm not going to last long. The feel for -
  • 07:01:58: @ SpeedyFlirt moist mouth around me moving slowly up and then back down. She lick the tip and moves back up quicker. I buck and feel the --
  • 07:04:11: @ SpeedyFlirt pleasure take over as I cum into her mouth.I let out a groan as the pressure finally goes away. When I'm done I sink down to -
  • 07:04:52: @ SpeedyFlirt the floor with her and wrap my arms around her.* Oh, Daph...
  • 07:25:29: @ SpeedyFlirt *Holding her close I laugh with her and realization dawns on me. I squeeze my eyes shut and swear at myself* Uh, Daph, don't --
  • 07:27:30: @ SpeedyFlirt freak out on me. Just get dressed fast. *I kiss her and find my pants tugging them on as I go find the security room*
  • 07:39:40: @ SpeedyFlirt *We head up the stairs to the door that says 'Office' on it. I peer in and don't see anyone. Looking over I see Daphne boldly -
  • 07:40:35: @ SpeedyFlirt just open the door and walk in* Daph... *I whisper after her and follow*
  • 07:53:17: @ SpeedyFlirt *I look at her wide eyed as she rambles off some tech talk and just nod* So this is it then? *I want to be sure that nothing -
  • 07:55:10: @ SpeedyFlirt else could have caught us so I point and send a jolt of electricity into to it frying all the circuits.* That should do it.
  • 08:19:33: @ SpeedyFlirt *Daphne's head snaps in the direction of the hall leading to the back. I feel the manager frustration as he makes his way up -
  • 08:20:55: @ SpeedyFlirt hall. I grab Daph's hand and quickly kiss her* Time to speed. Just need to collect the rest of our stuff.
  • 08:44:24: @ SpeedyFlirt *We grin at each other the whole time as we ran. Everyone and everything standing still for us. For once I don't feel sick, --
  • 08:47:09: @ SpeedyFlirt just the normal butterflies I get every time I'm near her. We stop once we reach her apartment and instantly her arms are --
  • 08:48:09: @ SpeedyFlirt around me. I hug her back kissing the top of her head.*Did you have fun? I know I did. Love you, Daphne.
  • 09:06:52: @ SpeedyFlirt Duh, I am always hungry. *comes up behind her and kisses her neck* What is with this fridge and wanting to kiss you?
  • 09:16:10: @ SpeedyFlirt *Sighs and leans his chin on her shoulder to see* Not really. Just know I'm hungry.
  • 09:17:16: ((Still pouting over my tweet count loss, but excited to finally reach 130 followers))
  • 09:19:38: ((I must say goodbye for now. Have to get ready for family visiting. Won't be on much for the next week. TTYL))
  • 09:21:25: *Sigh*
  • 12:40:17: @ SpeedyFlirt does someone miss me already?
  • 12:45:39: @ SpeedyFlirt *hug* miss you too
  • 12:55:21: @ SpeedyFlirt GTG *kiss*
  • 13:11:46: ((I'm here till I get pulled away!))
  • 14:36:13: @ MiB_Peter (Hey, brother. Quick *hug* )
  • 15:08:02: @ AClairePetrelli ((I'm sorry hun I'm not going to make the party. don't know if I told you, My dad is here. I'll try to pop in if I can.))
  • 19:36:04: ((Having fun waiting for the tornado's to come.))
  • 19:46:50: @ SpeedyFlirt ((yup! Huge state long thunderstorms with multi tornadoes. Fun stuff.))
  • 19:54:35: @ lovelylightning ((normal June weather here! Sitting here watching baby funnels pop out and back in of the clouds))
  • 19:56:33: @ SpeedyFlirt ((there were 2 deaths reported already. Don't worry.))
  • 20:02:49: @ SpeedyFlirt ((oops maybe not. That was way up north. I live south. I'll keep you updated.))
  • 20:06:27: @ SpeedyFlirt ((*snuggle*))
  • 20:52:30: ((Well. Looks like we survived the worst of the storms. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who were not as lucky.))
  • 20:54:39: @ Open_Flame ((*Hugs* Thank you. Looks like the worst scooted around us.))
  • 21:15:28: @ SpeedyFlirt night
  • 21:44:29: @ SpongeyBoyScout @HezEMT ((Hi Bob! Hi Hesam! Quick Hi and Bye!))

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