Dec 19, 2006 19:33
i just wanted to tell you all that as i was deleting messages from my myspace inbox yesterday (most of which were over a year old by now)...i realized just how many people i have lost touch with...and how sorry i am for that.
i realized how people that used to be able to make my day by simply sayin hello or sending me a message/comment/whatever on myspace may barely even know that i'm single again and that i got hit on by a stripper on my 18th birthday and that i'm in the middle of finals and should be studying for chem right now.
i realized (again) how easy it is to lose touch with people and how people that were once part of your tightest crew drift away to become memories that you hold deep in your heart...and as i sit typing this, i remember things that happened about/over/a little under a year ago that i had forgotten to those of you to whom this applies...i want you to know that i'm sorry if i haven't been very good about keeping in touch with you...and i want you to know that though i may not call/message/text you as much, it does not mean that you're no longer in my heart and no longer a part of the memories that i cherish. so please, know that i love you and miss you and won't forget you, come what may, you'll always be a part of me and whoever i become and whatever success life holds for me in the have been a part of me getting there and i thank you for playing the role that you played in that, whether the part was big or small.
i love all of you to whom this applies, and to those of you to whom this doesn't apply...i hope that you are the kind of person and that you and i have the kind of relationship where all that i have just said will one day apply to you should we ever lose touch, though i hope i never truly lose touch with any of you to whom this applies.
sincerely & yours truly,
p.s. some of the specific people that really made me feel the need to say all of this were Ansley, Oscar, Nature, Geo, Erika, Brian, Juan, Samantha, the All-Starz, & many more. These people in particular (especially the first 4, b/c we conversed A LOT on myspace) are mentioned by name and are people to whom this is especially applicable because they are the people from whom most of the messages i had/have still are from. i had over 5000 messages in my inbox...i haven't made it halfway through deleting things or seeing what to delete and the majority of the messages have been from the people that i've mentioned, especially the first 4. so yea...just because you aren't mentioned does not mean this doesn't apply, it just means that i haven't necessarily gotten to your messages yet.