Jul 07, 2006 18:00
it's you against you - the paradox that drives us all.
it's funny when you can picture the face of the person that makes you feel like you're on top of the world, and in the next moment picture another face that makes you feel like you're trapped at the bottom of a dark hole.
the secret to triumph is in the first syllable.
one of my childhood friends just contacted me this week to tell me that he's leaving his life here, and starting a new one on the other side of the country. he tells me that he needs some time to be alone and figure out who he is and what he's going to do next. he's running away from his addiction to drugs and something his ex-girlfriend did to him, and nothing anybody says to him can make him stay; he's already made up his mind. he doesn't know when he's going to return, or if at all. and, his family has no clue.
i've tried very hard to convince him to stay, but nothing's worked. part of me feels responsible for not watching out for him, for allowing him to fall into the path that he leads now, and for not teaching him any better. and now, i'll never get to see him walk across that stage to recieve his high school diploma...and maybe i'll never see him ever again. another part of me wants to yell at him for his stubborness. what happened to his strength? his independence? he knows better than to run (all the way the the East Coast too!) from his problems. being alone only makes him even more vulnerable. where will he live? how can he even support himself? he's just a minor, dammit! why won't he let anyone help him? why won't he realize that he can't do this by himself? i want to knock some sense into him, and force him to TRY to fix his own mistakes, because we all know what giving up can do to us. i don't want to lose my baby brother.
on the bright side, bridget jones's diary makes me SMILE. =)