Dec 28, 2004 00:08
I love my friends.
Thank God that I met
Tucker. He's amazing...
in general and to me,
and I want to make sure
that he knows it. Even
after last night which
was a lot of fun followed
by a bad decision on my
part, he made sure I was
okay. I don't know what
happened that I was able
to be surrounded by the
most amazing people I've
ever met, but I am grateful.
when we were alone, we were
most important to each other...
all of us.
Went to the neighbors' tonight.
Cam and Steven are fucking tight
as hell. We lucked out in the
neighbor situation. Their friends,
the girls especially, are bad as
fuck. I love it. There shall be a
copious amount of good times to
follow this evening before school
starts up again. Heh. Yay fun.
And X-Mas was way more a surprise
(in a good way) than I expected, at
least in the gift department. It feels
really good to know so indefinitely
that people love you and are more than
willing to demonstrate it. I got so
much more than I could have ever expected...
Thank you to all my friends and family.
Y'all fucking rule and I hoe that I can be
as cool to you as you are to me.
Also... my nephew beat me at chess in 3 moves.
On top of that, he can speak latin. He's 10.
OH MY GOD. It is pretty unnerving when you know
that a 10 year old is a thousand times smarter
than you. But I had a great time hanging with
the fam, anyway. even if they did prove me
Yep well tomorrow I'm going to Logan with Tucker
and Chris and probably Dudley, so if anybody wants
to hang out, friggin give me a call and your desire
will become my fantasy. In Reality. Right... well
sorry for that last part, and for that matter, the
entire entry... I'm drunk. But sentimental. and I
fucking mean it all. Right-O. See all y'all bitches
tomorrow, I hope!!!
"Have you ever been slapped with $900 in cash before?
Well you have now!! *SLAPS ME WITH $900 in CASH*"
PS: I'm the most malnourished vegitarian there ever was.
every symptom of nutrient deprivation, I have. SCARY.
Feed me a steak, for the love of god.