A [Grandiose and Mildly Ridiculous] Rock Musical

May 03, 2011 09:58

The TG group last night was very informal and silly; there were hardly any of us this time, and we all basically just cracked jokes mostly. Here and there, we discussed a few lingering questions I had about starting hormones and the changes they will bring. Every time I leave the group at night, I feel tons better about myself and my future. It's totally empowering. I get excited.

Not much else to report today--work for eight hours straight starting at noon.

Thermolysis appointment is on Thursday, so I'm growing out my facial hair. There's really not much of it. The clerk on the phone said to stop shaving Monday so they'd have something to work with, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be enough time, so I stopped shaving Saturday. There's not much! That's encouraging.

Oh! I am officially writing lyrics and music for a short, yet grandiose and mildly ridiculous rock musical (is there any other kind?) with a friend, who is working on the script. We will be performing this as a one-act at a local college. I'm really excited--this is kind of what I'd love to do someday for a living. I'd love to compose music for anything--commercials, television shows, movies, musicals--anything at all. If you can do something you have fun doing and make money on it, well, hey, you win at life. Allegedly.

With love,

rock musicals, hormones, therapy, transgender, thermolysis

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