An Acceptable Risk

Apr 26, 2011 21:31

Okay, so today, at work, I took what I would call an acceptable risk, given the evidence.

I told my boss at work about my transition.

Now, I debated when I was going to say anything for a long time. I was thinking perhaps telling her way down the line, when changes in my appearance become unavoidable. But then, I thought, "You know, my boss is in the LGBT community--she's a lesbian. Does this mean she might get it more than other bosses?" I asked some coworkers in the know regarding this, and they agreed it probably wouldn't be an issue.

So, after much debate, I went for it. And you know what?

She was totally awesome.

She said that it won't be a problem, and that she'd keep it to herself until it really needs to be talked about openly. And I emphasized that I loved my job there and that it was helping pay for my transition, and that it's not like I'd suddenly show up one day in a dress. And she said that I was a valuable person and that my job is just fine, and we'll jump the required hurdles when we need to. Also, she added that she and the rest of the staff, those that understand at least, would be there for support. And, as a final note, she told me to tell her when I need to change my name badge. My boss is amazing.

I realize this could have been very serious for me, but I took that acceptable risk, and I scored. I'm in such a good mood right now, knowing my job is going to be there for me through all of this. I don't know when I'm going to complete school, but at least I will have some income coming in.

The battle [against testosterone] won't be over for a long time, but I feel like I've won a cute little victory with this.

Upward momentum!

With love,

coming out, transgender, work

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