I Got to Admit, It's Getting Better

Apr 24, 2011 17:28

So, yes, the dinner with my brother and his friends was pretty great. Turns out that I knew the female-to-male friend that he wanted me to speak to--in fact, he'd been coming to the meetings that I've already been going to. So, immediately I felt tons more comfortable. And he told my brother that he'd heard me talk in the meetings, that he had nothing to worry about, and that I sounded genuine about this. It couldn't have gone better really. The night ended with all of us sitting around a backyard fire pit, having a few drinks, and talking about everything and nothing and a few things in between. It was pretty great.

Anyway, another transgender group meeting is tomorrow night, and my brother is attending! This should be fun.

In other news, I still have my appointment scheduled to see the endocrinologist next month on the 29th; it almost seems too far in the future! That's okay. All good things come to those who wait, or whatever people say to justify long, boring, painful waits. ANYWAY...in the meantime, I'd love to get at least some facial thermolysis done next month if possible. I don't think my face is used to me shaving it so much (read: argh, stupid pimples).

Well, in total, things are certainly a lot better. Tomorrow should be a good day!

Yours truly,

P.S. Random observation: five-bladed razors rule, four-bladed razors suck. Cheers.

transgender, hair removal, thermolysis, endocrinologist, family

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