Apr 30, 2008 22:10
- i once heard a girl say that, "boyfriend is to girlfriend as husband is to wife. husband is to wife as master is to slave."
- after i heard her say this, i thought to myself, "my goodness. what an awful thing to say." then, i noticed that she had very dirty hair and i thought to myself, "that's what i look like when i don't wash my hair?" i proceeded to go to the student store and i bought an economy size bottle of hair shampoo.
- after i made the said purchase and flirted with the cashier to get a discount, i thought about what the girl said because i suppose there's a thread of truth in such a bold claim. the intriguing thing about such claims is that they pose many questions about whether it is right or wrong to use people as a means to an end. what if it's the other way around, and that person is the end to justify the means?
- i will use my own haphazard relationship experience to illustrate this idea. i dated a boy and he was a means to an end. there was an exclusively instrumental value of his existence in my life. hearing his voice on the telephone was the way i got through my days without crying, he was the means by which i learned about different things, his presence was the means by which i made myself feel good, and so on. he embodied things that i wanted to use as tools to reach my own selfish desires, to make myself happy. although it is natural human tendency to want to make oneself happy, is it morally wrong to do it at another person's expense (even if both parties agree that the happiness is mutual)?
- if people want themselves to be used, then was dirty hair girl guilty of anything more than bad hygiene and dramatic word choice? no. she hit the nail on the head.
- it is unclear as to what is "ethical treatment" if people have no idea of how they would like to be treated. even worse, if people really do want to be treated like shit, underneath all the cute gestures and fancy lingerie.
- almost every girl i have ever encountered talks about her expectations of a boyfriend; and almost every time i participate in this kind of discussion, i can't help but roll my eyes a bit. the generic "wants and needs" of relationship participants have blurred into an unrealistic, amoebic bliss. they range everywhere from, "i want a boy that is sensitive" to "i want a boy with a big dick and deep pockets." everyone is entitled to choose the people they wish to connect with, however, i'm not sure people understand the consequences of perpetuating such unrealistic expectations.
- this is why people break up, get divorced, cheat, and do all the awful things human beings are capable of doing to break each other's hearts.
- human beings are complex, multi-dimensional, beautiful phenomena. to expect the love of your life to be a one-dimensional cardboard cut out of what you concocted in your head undermines that completely.
- i have come to expect nothing out of the opposite sex. my standards are high and the expectations are non-existent.
- i have decided to set a standard, rather than specific expectations because having expectations undermines the dopest aspect of the human species (constant change and growth). and yes. just like everyone else, i just want to protect myself from the mind-blowing reality of disappointment.
- as you may have assumed, i'm supposed to be studying for midterms and i'm quite bored.