Jan 04, 2005 14:10
Great Poem. All praise the Black Hermes!
This ghost is roused, and comes to life,
Not to hide in shadow's corners.
This demon spawned, raises his knife,
Slays regret's intrusive mourners.
This angel fallen from the throne,
Relinquishes his right divine,
Takes flesh, and sweat, and blood, and bone,
And of the earth he builds a shrine.
To love and lust and bleed again,
And never to have need again.
Where wine to fill the cup renowned,
Will flow in corpuscles and veins,
All fetters of the self unbound,
Quick severance of our rusted chains.
Eight years of sleep and dream and dance,
Behind the veils of Salome,
My head I offer for the chance,
Of venus surf, green and foamy.
To love and lust and bleed again,
And never to have need again.