Feb 04, 2010 01:32
Been blithering on the FaceBook side, for y'all LJ-only folks here's the sitch:
My mom should be released from the hospital tomorrow, probably in the late morning. She's doing really well and day 3 is the normal release-point for this surgery. She'll go to rehab. where they'll get her up and walking again and teach her what to avoid doing with the hip so it doesn't pop out of the socket. (We all love saying "She's goin' to RE-HAB.").
Meanwhile despite our forceful and continual admonishments last night my dad got up this morning and flew the coop. The person we have looking in on him called me as I was on my way up to Sequim (62 miles one-way, BTW) and said he wasn't there when they arrived. I called my mom to see if he was at the hospital and to warn her to be on the lookout. She called to say he was there as I arrived at the house. So the care-givers and I all hopped in my car and went to visit everyone in the hospital and bring my dad back home. We've got the car keys now and he took the revocation of his solo driving privileges with pretty good grace (at the time anyway, we'll see what happens when he rediscovers tomorrow that his car keys are missing.) The two women who are doing the care-giver thing are positively super. I would really like the excitement to abate a little in this evolution.