half way through

Jul 20, 2007 09:21

so i'm now half way through this programme thing. it's hard. my muscles are constantly stiff but at least they're not achingly sore like whey were in the first two weeks. when i started this, i wasn't sure that you could make much difference to how you looked in 6 weeks, but my body has changed a bit in only three weeks. i have lost some fat. i've definitely gained some muscles. i've added between 10 - 20% more onto what i'm lifting on my excercises than when i began, which is really impressive. and the cardio is getting somewhat easier. i did 30 minutes on the treadmill the other da -- i was really pleased with myself. i weighed myself last night and i'm still exactly the same weight, which is quite funny. but muscle is heavier than fat, so i would have expected to have gained weight if anything.

so here's the midway point photo, taken last night (i look really tired and crabby in it, which i was):

note the desperate need for a haircut.

i'm realising that it's hard to see the differences. they're subtle. and remember that it has been only 3 weeks. but my shoulders are more defined. my arms and chest are bigger, and my tummy's looking flatter. my legs are also much more beefy. so i'm pleased with how it's going. i'm also really enjoying the discipline of making myself go to the gym every single day.
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