Mar 03, 2009 10:07
I'm going to be offline for a while, My gaming pc is dead and my health hasn't been the best.
I'm going to be doing a few things to alleviate the stress that's been growing, and to make myself feel better and be healthier. I will have my cellphone with me, and Denise will likely know how to get ahold of me.
I'm still trying to move my life forward, its more difficult than I thought at first.. Having been stuck in the mud for so long, it is harder to get that mud to let go of me.
If I can find money, in the near future, I probably will disappear again to visit friends. I'm tired of sitting here so desperately alone, and I know at least one friend who would be happy to hang out with me for a weekend.
So yeah
Well life goes on, and I'm trying to go on with it. Peace.