Mar 18, 2008 06:00
I've met a girl that I just find amazing who is so nice enough to let me use her phone to talk to my family. They are thankful for her and so am I.
In all honesty, all I want to do right now is write this whole journal about how lucky I feel. So why not. Amber's hot! She's great to hang out with. She is going to school here as well for Game Art. Woot! She loves to draw, play games, be a nerd, and a dork. And when I say hawt I so do mean it ^_^ Bites finger....what I like to brag. I'd post a pic but she'd kill me since we aren't in a serious relationship yet ;3 She loves wolves, and has one name Kiba, no you can't have her Adam >:P She has a great sense of humor that I find always refreshing; though, sometimes she misses the fact that I'll tease her right back ^_^ I do find it quiet odd how we have the same views on alot of things and practically love the same anime and hate the same as well. Donno how that happened? She does have this thing that attracts people to her, and some need a little watching. I love the fact that she and I had to save one of her friends from getting stolen off the street and becomming some guys boy toy. She's going to help me learn to play the violin, and I get to help her with her drawing and Math.
I'm gald she and I met. Not going to say anything to jinx anything. I'm tired of thinking I'm not good enough for anything or anyone. No matter what happened in the past I can't change things and I know I did nothing to cause things to happen like they did. It all hurt so bad I felt like I had nothing left to live for and wanted to do alot of horrible things to myself, but no longer. I've accepted the past and have a different outlook on life now. I know who I am and I know that I'm not like a great many men and that simple fact makes me happy.
So, I'll be myself and we'll just see how life plays out.
P.S. I don't have to goto court either and get to take all my finals this week which is a huge stress releaver. That and I might get to go spend Easter with Amber and hang out with her family and grandma. *smirk*