Frack you very much Microsoft!

May 05, 2011 09:24

So, I work helping folks with email ,webhotells and domains.

Client comes in with a simple "can I get a password for account x?".

Sure thing says I, I randomgenerate one, drop it into email and off to the client it goes.

Client tries, tells me "Nope, fails"

I try it, works perfectly.
So I search through logs and see  "Oh silly client, you put a lowercase u instead of an uppercase U in there!"

So I take the password and paste it into a new email in outlook , I press enter and THEN I notice that helpfull outlook

t68BUeRw    to

with autocomplete.


No wonder my client is confused.

So a big thank you Microsoft, thank you for wasting my time with a FUCKED up shit for brains autocomplete!

Time to turn all spellcheck and shit off I suppose.

Can I start drinking now?

fuck kill damn, stupid, stupidity

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