The terrorists have won….

Nov 06, 2006 23:19

I made it to Los Angeles today safe and sound. I knew I was safe of course because no one on the plan had more than 3 ounces of any gel or liquid on hand. I mean, if you wanted to blow up a plane you’d definitely need more than 3 ounces of something right?

So in the process of making this flight super safe I had to toss a $50 bottle of cologne (3.4 ounces), my toothpaste (5 ounces), and my hair gel (4 ounces). I can’t fault the security guys, I *should* have known that anything over 3 ounces wasn’t allowed on board. I should also have known that I needed to put all of my toiletries in a sandwich sized Ziploc bag to speed through security.

Never mind the fact that if I really wanted to blow up a plane, I could just coordinate with several passengers and get multiple 3 ounce bottles of whatever substance I wanted on the airplane. Then combine them once on-board. Basically what I’m saying here is that limiting toiletries to 3 ounces is a stupid, pointless, reactionary thing to do. It doesn’t prevent anything and only makes traveling more annoying for everyday people. Same goes for removing your shoes.

In essence… The terrorists have already won. This is exactly what they want, not to kill people necessarily, but to ruin our way of life. They haven’t killed many recently, but they are succeeding where it counts.

We’ve turned into a spineless nation, afraid to take anything head on and cause a rift, and quick to blame anyone who does make an effort for all of the world’s problems. And frankly, I’m sick of it.

If you haven’t yet watched V for Vendetta, you should, and keep in mind that the way they portray Britain in the movie is exactly where we are headed, I just hope we nip it in the bud before it gets that far.

travel, lame

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