Come porn with me! Porn-paragraph-a-thon

Dec 14, 2007 18:06

I was talking to poisontaster while working on my yuletide fic, and we were bemoaning the lack of truly dirtybadwrong porn in our lives.

So, I have resolved (hush, I know it's not New Year's yet! *G*) to fix that. Today. Right now. All weekend. As long as you want. We'll keep this going until the post can't take any more comments. pez_gurl if you can't keep up archiving, ( Read more... )


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Comments 1247

Supernatural giandujakiss December 15 2007, 01:35:39 UTC
Sam/Dean - Discovery.



Re: Supernatural concernedlily December 15 2007, 13:25:50 UTC
It takes Dean a long time to get Sam to admit to the sex-in-public fetish, so after that he has to do it a whole lot, making up for lost time. His favourite thing is to get Sam in a club or bar, somewhere dark and loud with plenty of people to look, to maybe catch them, and then he gets Sam sat on a stool and presses up against his back, pulls Sam's shirt up so he can feel Dean's belt buckle, can feel when he undoes it one-handed and unbuttons his fly and slides his hard cock against the warm sweat that springs up on Sam's back, and no matter how many times he does it Sam always bites his lip on a gasp and leans back against him, tilts dangerously so Dean can get at his neck with his teeth. If Dean's feeling kind he'll let Sam grope for his hand, lets him draw it into his lap and he'll rub Sam through his jeans, touch a thumb to the damp head where it comes almost over the loose waist of his jeans, press against Sam slightly so he's gets the message to move, rock back against Dean's cock and forward against his hand. He likes ( ... )


Re: Supernatural merepersiflage December 15 2007, 15:12:20 UTC


Re: Supernatural giandujakiss December 15 2007, 16:16:42 UTC
Oh wow. Public sex is not my kink, but you're convincing me - and this was a dual use of the prompt, yes? (discovering the kink, risk of discovery) Clever!


SPN technosage December 15 2007, 01:37:41 UTC
For killabeez, Sam/Dean, eggnogg


Re: SPN maygra December 15 2007, 02:18:10 UTC
The Jack ran out before the eggnog and that was just wrong, Dean decided. Eggnog without alcohol was just a too-sweet, weird-tasting, thin milkshake. Not that Sam seemed to notice, because he kept reaching for the carton of eggnog to top of his cup -- and doing so none too steadily, spilling the stuff over his fingers and then licking them clean. Until he reached the end of the carton and shook it spilling the rest of it all over his hand, which was more than Dean could take. He reached over and grabbed Sam's hand and sucked his first two fingers into his mouth, lapping at the too-sweet stuff, tasting egg and nog and something that tasted a lot like desire and smelled a lot like Sam. And suddenly realizing he was getting a lot more drunk off the taste of Sam in his mouth than another whole bottle of Jack could possibly make him


Re: SPN technosage December 15 2007, 02:21:56 UTC
*applauds* I'm sort of tempted to continue this. *facepalm*


Re: SPN maygra December 15 2007, 02:43:08 UTC
I think you should. Because you said only one paragraph...

...and we all know I can't say what I want to say in one paragraph.



RPS technosage December 15 2007, 01:39:24 UTC
Jensen/Milo, water


Re: RPS hegemony December 15 2007, 22:43:42 UTC
It's the little things for them, like that silver water bottle on Milo's nightstand, looking out of place as Jensen rummages for more lube. It's cigarettes, turkish silver with a bic tucked into the box. It's how Jensen's wrists fit perfectly into the cut notches of the headboard if they're pushed in just right, that glint in Milo's eye as he towers over Jensen, teasing before settling over rock hard flesh, taking it in and squeezing it hard, silent as he wills Jensen over the edge over and over again. It's how Milo drapes over Jensen when they're sitting up in bed and how they never, never spoon because they fit every other way. They're a mess, they've been a mess since the first night when Jared introduced the two of them: bodies like pistons in a well oiled engine just inside the door in Jensen's apartment. Milo's all limbs, all lips and teeth, long cock that twitches as Jensen drives into him, as far deep as he can muster, pulling every trick in the book he can and pulling sounds from Milo he didn't think the boy could make. He's ( ... )


Re: RPS technosage December 16 2007, 00:43:00 UTC
Oh, I really like this. I like the way the entire relationships encoded right here. It's hot and sexy and loving and... unexpected. Thank you for writing it!


Re: RPS hegemony December 16 2007, 01:58:28 UTC
Thanks for the prompt, and thanks for reading it!


Supernatural zooey_glass04 December 15 2007, 01:41:28 UTC
Sam/Dean; scrunch


Re: Supernatural thehighwaywoman December 15 2007, 18:57:28 UTC
"Scrunch", in the sense that they're scrunched into the back of the Impala. Extrapolations-R-Me.

If he's told Dean once he's told him a hundred times: good as fucking in the Impala might sound, it's not physically possible given the length of limbs plus body mass.

Can't happen.

But as his fingers scrabble in vain over the back of the passenger seat for some kind of purchase, any kind, and then on the smooth leather of the back seat, still with no luck… with Dean's lips hotwetnasty around his cock, head bobbing up and down, drool and pre-come oozing from the corners of his mouth… with the wicked light in his eyes that keep meeting Sam's, goading him, daring him… with all that, Sam thinks maybe there's a few things that the laws of physics don't account for.

Hot damn, don't they ever.


Re: Supernatural technosage December 15 2007, 20:58:19 UTC
*claps* I wondered how "scrunch" would get used. I couldn't think of anything. Well done!


Re: Supernatural thehighwaywoman December 15 2007, 21:04:51 UTC

The only other thing I could think of was a hair scrunchy, which, while it could be interesting in its various uses, kept cracking me up.


CWRPS technosage December 15 2007, 01:41:59 UTC
Jared/Chad, chains


Re: CWRPS shinywhimsy December 16 2007, 14:18:47 UTC
[omg first time i write chad! *bites nails*]

It'd been a simple question, accompanied by a grin and a mocking tone as Jared tugged Chad closer by pulling on the (ridiculously thick) gold chains around Chad's neck. He honestly hadn't expected Chad's eyes to widen like that, blue almost completely swallowed by black, breath hitching on its way out of Chad's parted lips as Chad stumbled forward into him. Never would he have imagined that fisting the chain and making it tighter around Chad's neck would bring Chad down to his knees like that or that grabbing Chad's hair would get that kind of pained whimper before Chad started mouthing at his clothed dick. In his defense, Jared's sure no one could ever expect it to be so easy to get Chad's prettyfilthypink lips around the base of his cock, throat convulsing around the head as he came, breath tickling his pubes as his hips jerked forward. How could he know that you a pimp now? would make Chad into a whore?


Re: CWRPS earthquakedream December 16 2007, 14:48:08 UTC
omg. I normally don't like Jared/Chad, but this. Yes. *claps*


Re: CWRPS shinywhimsy December 16 2007, 19:12:48 UTC
Yay! I'm glad you gave it a try and enjoyed it! *bows*


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