help me obi wan...

Mar 15, 2007 11:28

no, no, this is not a plea to go read the fic. I need your help!

How do you sign emails when you're writing back and forth with someone who is far away who is just a friend? Or might be more than a friend but you don't know yet?

Vague enough? Tee hee.

It's for a schmooptrocity I'm thinking of committing. Some boys writing each other letters. Not saying it's gonna happen. Just...y'know, if it were to happen, how should they sign off?

ETA: Thanks gang, I've got what I needed here. Though, you're welcome to keep discussing, as y'know, Teddybears and Lightningbugs just might have to make an appearance somewhere. *eyes* Hee.


And, behind door number two, I *still* have no idea what to write for Big Bang. I'd like it to be Supernatural rather than J2 but really that's it. I've got a vague idea or three floating around, but none of them want to gel.

Bunny me?

ETA: Still looking for bunnies, even though certain people *koff* seem to think I ought to write Sam the Fae Prince. So. Maybe that will happen. I dunno. *sighs* SAM WHY WON'T YOU TALK TO ME?
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