Schmoop Mafia, babies!

Jan 25, 2007 16:30

Happiness is SO MUCH SCHMOOP I can't breathe from the sweetness of it. *g* Um, and sometimes the porniness of it makes it a little hard to breathe too. Hee!

I asked the almighty flist for schmoop prompts, and you delivered. Then I turned around and tried to deliver. I'm still working on it. More slowly now, but schmooping away.

Also picking away at Heroes/SPN xover, and Break Loose pt 1. Got some shinies in the inbox to beta too.

Meanwhile, just in case y'know, you thought I was being a slack-ass and not writing, there's \o/ SO MUCH SCHMOOP. *g* No need to comment unless you especially love something. Gift from me to you, just 'cuz.

DCU, Bruce/Dick - first blowjob for drvsilla, R
SGA, Ronon/Elizabeth, first kiss for sabaceanbabe, very PG
Farscape, John/Aeryn, first Mother's Day for ladydey, PG
Farscape, John/Aeryn, first post-argument makeup sex for dotfic, R by implication
BSG, Sharon/Helo, first hour as husband and wife for dancinbutterfly, PG
RP, DCU/Marvel, Fallen Angel/Scott Summers, first kiss (reunion first) for just_like_rogue, PG
SPN, Sam/Dean, first post-hunt kiss (reunion first) for just_like_rogue, Rish
Heroes, Nathan/Peter, first blow job for txtequilanights, R by implication
SPN, Sam/Dean, first touch for leighm, R
Heroes, Nathan/Peter, first summer alone at the cabin for shuiraya, NC17
DCU, Bruce/Dick, first time Bruce realizes Dick isn't a child for jisatsu_crisis, PG13
DWU, Bruce/Oliver, first time Oliver spends the night at Wayne Manor, wee!wizard schmoop for just_katarin, PG
RP, Bruce/Yazoo, first bottle of wine, sociopath/psychopath angst!schmoop for toxictattoo, PG

More comin...and...if you wanna drop me a prompt, I'll still take 'em, but no promises for anyone who wasn't on the initial list. If I don't do it, doesn't mean I don't ♥ you. Just means I ran out of schmoop mojo or time.

fic_january, schmoop meme

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