So here I sit, in 1325 Engineering Building at MSU. Its warm as hell, though I recently opened the window and its helping. However, I did discover that when I am the only one utilizing the network bandwidth that things are incredible fast. I downloaded every episode of CommandN - 26 in total, ranging in size from 60-150MB in under 20 minutes. Thats a lot of downloading.
This whole living on my own thing... well, its been
Tuesday I got up here and unpacked everything. By 6:00pm I was bored and going out of my mind, so I headed to the basement and finished the stand for the soon-to-be coral propagation system so I can make some money on the side. Ok, that was fairly exciting, as things are starting to come together on it.
Wednesday I went to work. Worked until 5, and then went to Home Depot and bought a ton of plumbing supplies for the frag tank. Unfortunately HomeDepot failed me, and I didnt have everything necessary to get all of the work done, so I didnt even start. Watched AIR TV quite a bit and then went to bed early after doing dishes.
Thursday was another day of work, and I got a chance to use the internet on Campus. I got some things picked up around the house, and went to bed later than expected. Oh well, It was a semi-productive day.
Friday - I went to work, but left early so I could meet up with Erika who was kind enough to come visit me. Fun times heading to Preuss, a non-existent plumbing supply store and Staples. Irish Pub is good for Lunch and thats where we ate. After that we watched Fight Club, and then she left. I went back to the EB to abuse the internet at work, and uploaded some pictures, checked my email, and read some internet news. Another night of air TV.
Today I slept in until about 10, and then had a bowl of cereal and mulled around the house until about 12 or 1. At that point, I had a list of things I needed to get from HomeDepot, but Harbor Freight commonly has cheaper equivalents so I went there - no dice for the things I needed. But I did find a set of drill bits at American Eagle Superstore for $6.99 that would have cost over $20 at HomeDepot. Score! Home Depot had all of the rest of the things I needed, so I was all set and got the electrical almost all done for the coral prop. setup. And now I'm BACK in 1325 EB utilizing the internet.
This is my bedroom. There are more pictures, but I'm only pulling a few. I like it, despite it being nearly 1/3 the size of my room back at home.
My kitchen is the hottness however.
Now all I need is a link between my PC and the stereo....
This is the Belkin wireless router and power strip in the basement of the house. Tomorrow Comcrap comes out to hookup my cable, then its off to Best Buy to get internets figured out. The modem will be located in a similar proximity to the powerswitch and router - obviously. THen I'll be all set.
And this is my living room. Awesome.
So yeah - its been fairly uneventful. I have been productive in the basement getting things done on my frag system, however, theres still quite a bit to do. My dad is coming up tomorrow - if the weather holds out - so we can finish the electrical, and internet should be running too. Then I'll be buying food so I have something other than scrambled eggs with cheese to eat :p I ran out of cereal...