14th Fix

Apr 26, 2011 08:01

[Phone call filtered from NPCs/drones:]

Good mornin', Mayfield. This is just your friendly reminder that I'm closin' the Prom Queen 'n' King ballots tomorrow night. Make sure ya hit up the box either in my classroom or my garage before then, if ya haven't already!

So, how go things for this otherwise? My thoughts are that we probably need more food, now that it seems most of the town's turnin' up for this thing. And how goes the decoration committee? And ya'll got your fancy clothes ready too, I hope. Even I'm turnin' up in a tux, so ya'll got no excuse!

[There's a brief pause. Quinn doesn't have a date yet, and in the last few weeks, nearly half of his friends in town have been droned for what looks to be for good. Talk about a bummer. There's a quiet, uncharacteristic sigh on his end before he speaks again, cheerful as ever.]

Hey, anyone still need a date to this thing? If ya can believe it, yours truly is still available. Cyuss, what about you? April, you're comin' to this thing, right? I ain't against the idea of a blind date, either! Get back to me.

phone, well this is awkward, prom!, let's have fun

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