13th Fix

Apr 21, 2011 13:22

[Today in class, Mr Hatch will be writing "VOTE FOR PROM QUEEN AND KING HERE" on the chalk board. There's a ballot box on his desk and some slips of papers. He's hung a sign or two in the hallways of the high school too advertising this, but don't expect Quinn to put *too* much work into this. Feel free to ask him questions, bother him, whatever!

At home, he'll set up the same ballot box outside his garage too. Then he'll make a phone call to the town, filtered from the usual NPCs:]

I figure, since we're havin' a prom, might as well have a contest for King & Queen, right? So I set up a ballot box in my calculus classroom, an' at my garage at 339 Brady Lane. Just drop a name in there, anyone ya want! I'll count 'em up, and then the winners'll be announced at the dance. Whattaya's think?

We still don't have a theme for the prom... Any ideas? Do we even need one?

So what else's been goin' on in town? How's everyone doin'? Seems like everythin' is back to normal after that April Fool's stuff... Well, as normal as this town ever gets. Oh yeah! I forgot to ask, anyone in town got a TV from home? A big one? I got my laptop and a bunch of DVDs from home. I'd love to have a movie night sometime.

phone, action, movie buff, prom!, quinn hearts bruce wills

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