8th Fix

Feb 09, 2011 08:49

[Phone: Call filtered from drones/NPCs:]Mornin', everyone! Seems like we got our latest flock of new people floodin' in. First, my apologies ya gotta be stuck in this place. Second, I can fill ya in on some of the details if no one hasn't yet. Third, and this one's for everyone, I'm hostin' a party this Saturday night at my place! It's for ( Read more... )

action, voice, party party party, we don't need no education, let's have fun, i r teacher

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[In Class] has_a_name February 9 2011, 20:12:34 UTC
*Nanashi usually skips school, so this must be one of those days where she's attending to avoid droning*

... that's classified...


techno_mancer February 9 2011, 23:27:44 UTC
"Classified"? Where's the fun in that?


has_a_name February 10 2011, 02:14:09 UTC
... well, it's not really classified, but you'd probably think badly of me if I said it...


techno_mancer February 10 2011, 04:05:10 UTC
It'd take a whole hell of a lot to shock me, kiddo.


has_a_name February 10 2011, 04:06:39 UTC

... *is that an appraising look she's giving you, or is she just giving her usual blank look*

... if you promise you won't tell anybody else...


techno_mancer February 10 2011, 19:22:46 UTC
Your secret's safe with me!


has_a_name February 10 2011, 20:24:18 UTC
... I've caused various forms of conflict on other worlds... for the purpose of strengthening them...


techno_mancer February 10 2011, 22:03:54 UTC
Wow, sounds pretty heavy. Did ya like doin' stuff like that?


has_a_name February 10 2011, 22:05:13 UTC
... ...

... I suppose I enjoyed it sometimes...? ... but it's not my favorite thing to do...


techno_mancer February 10 2011, 22:09:36 UTC
Ok then, if ya could have any job in the universe ya wanted, what would it be?


has_a_name February 10 2011, 22:10:55 UTC
... I don't really want any one particular job, I'd just like to travel and see the various forms of technology...


techno_mancer February 10 2011, 22:20:26 UTC
Sounds good to me. I'd do something like that! Or just travel in general. Bein' stuck in the one town for so long is makin' me claustrophobic.


has_a_name February 10 2011, 22:22:00 UTC
... I don't like the town itself much, but some people around here regain some interesting technology...


... though, if I had the chance, I'd like to look into the fabric of this universe to see how it works...


techno_mancer February 11 2011, 00:10:23 UTC
Man, that's so true! The people here and their awesome. And they bring along some cool stuff.

...How ya plan on doin' somethin' like that.


has_a_name February 11 2011, 01:30:10 UTC
... I have the tools to do so on my ship... but I'm not sure if it's possible... Mayfield was able to neutralize my powers, after all...


what was that sentence i typed up there, idek. sorry! techno_mancer February 11 2011, 14:46:30 UTC
Yeah, I hardly doubt they're eager to give back cool stuff like that. Too bad though, sounds awesome!


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