8th Fix

Feb 09, 2011 08:49

[Phone: Call filtered from drones/NPCs:]

Mornin', everyone! Seems like we got our latest flock of new people floodin' in. First, my apologies ya gotta be stuck in this place. Second, I can fill ya in on some of the details if no one hasn't yet. Third, and this one's for everyone, I'm hostin' a party this Saturday night at my place! It's for Valentine's Day, but it's also a good time for all the newbies to have a meet 'n' greet. Get to know your neighbors. All ages, too!

My name's Quinn, and I'm at 339 Brady. Party starts at 8, and there's gonna be live music so get ready to dance! Oh yeah, it's BYOB too, but we should hopefully have enough for everyone. No dress code either. Wear whatever ya like!


[Action: In Quinn's homeroom class a few days ago, he was instructed by school administration to hand out some career surveys to the class. He turned them all in once the kids gave them back, only to have them returned by the admins a few days later, assigning everyone generic Mayfield jobs like mechanic or teacher; most of the girls even got "housewife".

He looks them over while at his desk, frowning at them, before balling them all up and tossing them into the trash.]

Well that was a waste of time. Sorry, guys. How about ya tell me what it is ya wanna do for a living once ya get outta here? Or that ya do already, since half of ya'll ain't kids anyway. I know none of us wanna be Mayfield drones the rest of our lives!

action, voice, party party party, we don't need no education, let's have fun, i r teacher

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